Recruiting Companies
Want a new, big and profitable revenue stream?
White-label our Rep Sheets, SE Sheets & W2 Sheets: Robert Half’s Rep Sheets
Create a new, big & profitable revenue stream with companies you do NO business with: Companies with in-house sales recruiters.
Help those companies make their sales recruiters more productive just as we do.
Charge them a monthly subscription fee of your choice. Pay Rep Sheet a small licensing fee.
Give your new clients secure & online access to your company’s branded Rep Sheets, SE Sheets & W2 Sheets.
All data is safely secured & encrypted with JotForm, the leading online form builder.
Sales Recruiters
Want additional revenue?
50 / 50 Referral Program
$50 to you for every W2 Rep Sheet you refer to us! (Who wants another company’s T-shirt or mug anyway? Cash is king at Rep Sheet)
When someone buys a W2 Rep Sheet for $100 on our web site, please have them add YOUR NAME and/or COMPANY to the “Referred by Whom” line when they enter their credit card info!
We send you a monthly check. That’s it!